

  1. Automatic Bitcoin Address Clustering[C]// IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications. IEEE, 2017
  2. Research on Anonymization and De-anonymization in the Bitcoin System[J]. Computer ence, 2015
    1. ATC方法(Analysis of the Transaction Chain)
  3. An analysis of anonymity in the Bitcoin system,in SocialCom/PASSAT 2011

Automatic Bitcoin Address Clustering[C]// IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications. IEEE, 2017

论文 Ermilov D , Panov M , Yanovich Y . Automatic Bitcoin Address Clustering[C]// IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applications. IEEE, 2017:461-466. 指出

Research on Anonymization and De-anonymization in the Bitcoin System[J]. Computer ence, 2015

论文 Shentu Q C , Yu J P . Research on Anonymization and De-anonymization in the Bitcoin System[J]. Computer ence, 2015. (pdf)介绍了比特币的隐私问题,文中总结了比特币保障隐私的方法:

  1. 比特币地址无法对应到用户
  2. 比特币交易也不包含个人信息
  3. 比特币新交易传播迅速,也很难探测交易发布者的 IP


  1. 对于一些中心化的比特币服务者,比如交易所等,能获取比特币用户的身份信息
  2. 用户可能将一些比特币地址公布在网络上,将会导致一些比特币地址被标记
  3. 交易链是公开且可被追溯的
  4. 多输入交易会暴露不同地址的关系(Gathering some or all inputs when sending Bitcoins to others, which may expose other addresses of the sender)
  5. The change address of transactions could be classified by attackers to the sender


  1. F. Reid,H. Martin, An analysis of anonymity in the Bitcoin system,in SocialCom/PASSAT 2011.
  2. Taint Analysis, blockchain.info, https://bockchina.info/en/taint,2015.10
  3. M. Ober, S. Katzenbeisser, K. Hamacher, Structure and Anonymity of the Bitcoin Transaction Graph, Future Internet, vol5, pp237-250, 2013
  4. D. Ron and A. Shamir, Quantitative analysis of the full Bitcoin transaction graph, ePrint 2012:584.
  5. Androulaki, E.; Karame, G.; Roeschlin, M.; Scherer, T.; Capkun, S. Evaluating User Privacy in Bitcoin; IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, vol. 2012:596
  6. Sarah Meiklejohn, Marjori Pomarole, Grant Jordan, Kirill Levchenko, Damon McCoy, Geo_rey M. Voelker, and Stefan Savage. A fistful of bitcoins: Characterizing payments among men with no names. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Internet Measurement Conference, IMC ‘13, pages 127-140, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM.


  1. Androulaki, E.; Karame, G.; Roeschlin, M.; Scherer, T.; Capkun, S. Evaluating User Privacy in Bitcoin; IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, vol. 2012:596
  2. Sarah Meiklejohn, Marjori Pomarole, Grant Jordan, Kirill Levchenko, Damon McCoy, Geo_rey M. Voelker, and Stefan Savage. A fistful of bitcoins: Characterizing payments among men with no names. In Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Internet Measurement Conference, IMC ‘13, pages 127-140, New York, NY, USA, 2013. ACM.


  1. Sergio Lerner. New vulnerability: know your peer public addresses in 14 minutes. https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=135856 , 2015.3
  2. Kaminsky, D., Black Ops of TCP/IP, http://www.slideshare.net/dakami/black-ops-of-tcpip-2011-black-hat-usa-2011, 2015.4
  3. Philip Koshy, Diana Koshy, and Patrick McDaniel. An analysis of anonymity in bitcoin using p2p network traffic. 2014. Financial Cryptography, 2014,469-485.
  4. A. Biryukov, D. Khovratovich, I. Pustogarov, Deanonymisation of clients in Bitcoin P2P network, CoRR, vol. abs, 2014:1405.7418.
  5. A. Biryukov, D. Khovratovich, and I. Pustogarov, Bitcoin over Tor isn’t a good idea, CoRR, vol. 2014:1410.6079.

ATC方法(Analysis of the Transaction Chain)

  1. 交易网络和比特币用户网络(transaction network and the user network
  2. Taint analysis,是 Blockchain.info 提供的一种服务,用于计算一个地址中金额来自于其他地址的比例
  3. Amount analysis,一种用于鉴别混币的方法,每笔输入扣除一个固定比例的混币费用,变成了输出
  4. Timing sequence,混币时,混币请求者把资金转移给混币者,在一定时间内,混币者需要返还资金,攻击者可以通过估计返还的大概时间范围找到这些返还的资金。

An analysis of anonymity in the Bitcoin system,in SocialCom/PASSAT 2011

论文 F. Reid,H. Martin, An analysis of anonymity in the Bitcoin system,in SocialCom/PASSAT 2011. 指出比特币系统的三个显著特点:

  1. 比特币的完整交易历史是公开的,这是客户端可以验证新交易是否合法的必要条件
  2. 交易可以拥有多个输入和输入。而且往往一个比特币交易会有单个较大额的输入或者多个较小额的输入。而对于输出,则常常有两个输出,即一个用于支付,一个用于找零
  3. 收款人和付款人通过公钥、私钥标识,但是一个人可以拥有多个密钥对。

然后论文提出了比特币交易网络和比特币用户网络(transaction network and the user network)。


  1. 发现找零地址:如果一个交易有两个输出,且确定其是某种特定客户端创建的,可以根据其源码确定那个输出是找零,并把找零地址关联到交易创建者地址。

  2. 可以猜测交易金额是某种法币的等价金额,可根据当时的汇率尝试发现法币种类。也可以根据交易所的交易记录关联到交易所。

  3. 如果某些地址经常在相同时间活跃,可以构建地址的共现网络。
